This video was an effort between myself and a fellow classmate, Lily Li, for a Vision Video Assignment for the Making Things Interactive class. After a lengthy brainstorm of “What if…” questions, we decided to pursue the idea: “What if your food knew when you should stop?”
This concept is interesting to me for a few reasons, but especially because I always feel a compulsion to finish my food if I’ve eaten more than half. Unless i feel like i can save the remainder of my food for another meal, I usually go ahead and finish it, even if I’m not hungry anymore. It feels weird to throw it away.
In this video, we showcase two scenarios of what could happen if your food knew if you should be eating it. The first scenario shows pasta running away from a diner that has had enough. A second scene shows some healthier options blocking a snacker from picking out the pie.
This diner might be sad now, but she’s better off in the long run.