Mercury Design : Business Planning for a Service Design Consultancy

For the final VOSG business planning project for Entrepreneurship I volunteered to be a project manager. This responsibility included conceiving a company, pitching it to the class in less than 3 minutes, and “hiring” a team of students to work on the business planning project, and creating a final presentation to ask potential investors for money.

Mercury Design was a small service design consultancy. Modeled after Pink Design (a small consultancy made up of recent MHCI graduates), our company was geared towards creating service experiences that customers love. As part of the process we conducted interviews with other entrepreneurs, market research, and competitive analysis. We also filled out the VOSG worksheet to ensure the financial validity of our plan. As reflected in our business plan, our goal was to design a workplace to do what we love, not to expand into a service-oriented IDEO or FROG.

Final Presentation [PDF]
Final Report [PDF]
VOSG Worksheet [XLS]